Richmond BC
I was diagnosed with AML in January of 2018. My journey began with a trip to the hospital. I thought I had the flu because I was tired and it seemed like no matter how much I slept, I could not recharge. I had a blood test at the hospital in Richmond, B.C. and when the test came back, the doctor informed me I had a blood cancer. I was immediately taken to Vancouver General Hospital via ambulance.
When I arrived at the hospital, the next morning they started my chemotherapy, but because my leukemia was so advanced, I had many secondary infections. I fell into a coma for 38 days. When I woke up, my road to recovery began, including learning to walk again, as a result of the coma.
Thanks to the terrific doctors, nurses, and staff at VGH I made an epic recovery and was released from hospital at the end of June 2018 after three rounds of consolidation. While cancer has left me with many medical complications, and I deal with the lingering fear of relapse, I am working to build up my strength and get healthy once again.
I wanted to give back to a community that has been so supportive and giving. I became an office volunteer at the LLSC in September 2018 and I am excited to be a part of the effort to find a cure for everyone affected by blood cancers.